Welcome to Safer Sites

Happy New year from Safer Sites!!!!

2012 is set to be an exciting year at Safer Sites, as we look forward to working with more clients to ensure their workplace is safe and risk free. Building sites can be dangerous places, but with correct procedures all risks can now be reduced exponentially.

Government regulation and OHS laws are providing builders, and other tradesmen with safer environments to work in, a factor Safer Sites sets as its number one priority.

With the housing boom taking Queensland by storm, and widespread construction projects, it is important now more than ever, to ensure these sites are safe and well maintained. Complying with OHS standards is essential, for both employers and employees; Injuries in the workplace are unacceptable, and should never occur if the correct safety systems and procedures are in place.

At Safer Sites our goal is to make your workplace a safe and happy environment. Don’t take unnecessary risk and contact Safer Sites for more information on our product and reducing risk in your workplace.

Stay Safe!